Our school's parent organization, PAWS (Parent Association Working for Success), invites you to share your time, talents and financial support to help ensure that RJH remains the best place in the Treasure Valley to live and learn as a 7th, 8th, or 9th grader. There are no membership dues, and every parent or guardian of a Grizzly is automatically a member of PAWS.
More specifically, we raise money to buy treats and/or meals for our awesome teachers and staff once a month. We also raise funds to support the CORE Store, for both teachers and kids. The kids get to visit and redeem the cards for fun prizes or treats. The CORE Card is given to students displaying the CORE Values of what it means to be a Grizzly. We are starting a new CORE Store for teachers this year, as a way for students and parents to acknowledge teachers and staff that go above and beyond to make a difference. For this store we are looking specifically for gift cards or money donations, gift baskets, coffee cards, treats, services, etc. For example, if you own a restaurant and would like to donate gift cards, we'd love that! Or a spa and you'd like to donate massage gift cards, or you work for WinCo and want to donate donuts or bagels once, or once a month - we'd love the help!
Lastly, if you can’t donate, lend a hand! We need volunteers to help staff the concessions booth at sports events this winter, help run ice cream stands next spring, collect donations from local businesses (we'd love to partner with and support the businesses that families of our students work for and/or own). Or simply help spread the word about our mission.
Introducing your PAWS Board for the 2023-24 school year:
Jacquie Forsey - Co-Chair President
Ashlee Struble - Co-Chair President
Kristine Asin - Treasurer
Board Member - Robyn Lockett
Board Member - Carla Spencer
PAWS general meetings are held throughout the school year at RJH. Communication to parents will be ongoing through the school's email blasts. You can also find pertinent information on the PAWS Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RiverglenPAWS
Updates on what PAWS has done this school year:
1. Back to School - Delivered donuts and coffee to the teachers and staff to kick off a great school year
2. Parent/Teacher Conferences - Provided dinner for teachers and staff (so they could make it through the long night!)
3. Bagels and Cream Cheese - Delivered to teachers and staff the day after Halloween -- to help combat the sugar rush.